Is it a native?

Pimeleas - native (Pimelea species)


avena Spiny Rice-flower(Pimelea spinescens). Prostrate, spiny. Flowers small. Basalt plains.
avena Curved Rice-flower(Pimelea curviflora) Flowers yellow, curved, in small clusters. Uncommon.
avena Slender Rice Flower(Pimelea linifolia) Flowers white. Flower stalks hairless. Bracts below flower hairless. Common.
avena Dwarf Rice-flower (Pimelea humilis) Flowers white. Low, spreading. Flower stalk silky-hairy. Moderately common.
avena Smooth Rice-flower(Pimelea glauca) Inner bracts (below the flower cluster) with hairy fringes. Uncommon.