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Soursob - introduced (*Oxalis pes-caprae )

Scientific name index
Common name index


Family: Oxalidaceae (Oxalis family).

Native of South Africa.

Occurrence: Soursob is a widespread and common weed of gardens, farmland, roadsides and bushland.


Soursob is a noxious weed and is listed as Regionally Restricted in central Victoria.

It is a major weed of gardens and bushland, and is very difficult to eradicate. Each of the small bulbs can produce a new plant. In summer it dies down and may not be noticed.

Similar species: Soursob can be distinguished from native oxalis by its bright yellow flowers, the absence of an above-ground stem, the bright green leaves, and the numerous small bulbs. Native oxalis species usually have a duller leaves and flowers, are smaller plants, and have above-ground stems.

imgimgimg Photos: 1 (above): Flowers. 2, 3: Flowers. 4: The leaves are trifoliate, with the leaflets deeply divided.
imgimgimg 5. Dense cover of Soursob in spring. Wimble St, Castlemaine. 6: Soursob carpets the ground in spring. Pullens Rd, Muckleford Forest. 7: The same area in summer.